Inicio – English2023-06-08T14:21:50+00:00

We are Tarba


We produce electricity from our own resources such as natural gas and solar energy.

Power plant in Carmona (Seville).

Tarba is a Spanish energy company located in Carmona, Sevilla. We contribute to the local, regional and national economy and social development.

During this ecological transition process, all the energies that participate in the energy mix play a fundamental role in guaranteeing the Spanish energy supply.

We at Tarba are proud to point out that we play a key role in guaranteeing efficiency in the national energy mix by using our own local resources. Our investors value Tarba’s highly competitive model.


With the people and the environment


with the planet and the environment


we generate social and economic well-being


We believe in the energy transition and we invest in it


We seek efficiency when generating energy with local resources

Our activity


MWh / year sent to the power grid
MWh production potential

We diversify energy sources to produce electricity.

At the Romeral power generation plant, located in Carmona, the natural gas that we extract combined with the solar energy from the photovoltaic installation under development are converted into electricity.

Natural gas is the first source of electricity generation of the plant. Tarba’s current natural gas concessions are valid until 2024, with a first renewal until 2034 and a second until 2044.

Our model is unique in Spain. It is a local electricity generation model that uses its own resources, so it is not subject to market pricing.

We use Spanish natural gas. We do not import any other gas since we generate electricity from the extractions in Carmona, Seville.

The second source of electricity generation is the sun. It is estimated that with the new photovoltaic plant the current generation will be boosted until the capacity of the already installed power station is reached.

Due to our distinctive position, we are always available to guarantee the energy supply.


Tarba is committed with the ecological transition and decarbonization objectives. For it, we have launched a process of hybridization of energy sources for the production of electricity.

We are expanding our activity with a photovoltaic park on the land adjacent to the plant. This will give us more production capacity and allow us to make a gradual transition in our activity.

Helios project. Pioneer in Spain

The Helios project, launched by Tarba, is pioneer in terms of hybridization sources for electricity generation. It will maintain natural gas as its own resource, at 40% and photovoltaics at 60%.


The Romeral

El Romeral is an active conventional methane natural gas field (without fracking), used as fuel in the Romeral power generation plant. The Project includes three natural gas exploitation concessions “El Romeral 1, 2 and 3”, the Romeral power generation plant and all the corresponding industrial infrastructure attached to wells and plant. The exploitation concessions occupy an area of approximately 310 km2.

Three wells currently in production: El Ciervo-1, Santa Clara-1 and Sevilla-1.

It is estimated the existence of other locations for future wells not yet drilled, likely to be exploited.

An average prospective resource of 90 BCF (billion cubic feet) of natural gas is calculated for the three concessions, equivalent to 2.5 BCM (billion cubic meters).

El Romeral is one of the four large gas fields currently existing in Spain (Marismas, Romeral, Poseidón and Viura).

El Tesorillo and Ruedalabola

Tesorillo is the set of natural gas exploratory operations between the La Plata and El Retín mountains, in the municipalities of Tarifa and Barbate (Cádiz). This exploratory bet has research and knowledge interests. Permits are not pending.

The prospecting space is located in an agricultural area, far from the protected areas of the NATURA 2000 NETWORK, between the El Retín and La Plata mountains, and several kilometers from the Estrecho, La Breña and Los Alcornocales natural parks.

There is no possible impact with the environmemnt or protected flora.

Nor does it affect any livestock track or habitat of community interest.


This is how we apply the Sustainable Development Goals


Tarba Energía presents its energy transition plan to the Minister of Industry of Andalucia

Julio Crespo, general director of Tarba Energía, an Andalusian energy company, met last Friday with the Minister of Industrial Policy and Energy of the Government of Andalusia, Jorge Paradela, to present its business energy transition plan. The transition plan presented [...]

The EU’s agreement on renewable energy consumption should not make us forget the role of natural gas

In the quest for a sustainable and environmentally friendly future, the European Union (EU) has set an ambitious target: to increase its renewable energy consumption from 22% today to 42.5% by 2030. This agreement is of vital importance as it [...]

Did you know that…

The Romans of the Guadalquivir smelled like patchouli, but how does natural gas smell like?

A team of researchers from the University of Córdoba has discovered the composition of a Roman perfume with a "smell of patchouli" that is more than 2,000 years old. All this after having found a small ointment in Carmona (Seville). [...]

Contact us

Calle Prim, 7
41410 Carmona – Sevilla

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